Astoria, Food and Drink
May 12, 2014

We Heart Cream Cheese: It’s Time to Vote!

Despite it’s moniker, Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company is a home-grown institution. We are big fans, and the community agrees given their second year win in our Best of Astoria. (…)

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Despite it’s moniker, Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company is a home-grown institution. We are big fans, and the community agrees given their second year win in our Best of Astoria. We were totally honored when we found out that the cream cheese geniuses wanted to devote a flavor all about us, and the neighborhood. We reached out to our readers for ideas & inspiration, and you delivered! Read below for our three finalists and vote for your favorite on Facebook & Twitter over the next two weeks. Feel free to also cast your vote here with a blog post comment. We will announce the winner LIVE on Friday, May 30, at the 30th Ave location (3614 30th Ave). If you would like to try a taste before you cast your vote, stop by the 30th Ave location and sample all three varieties.


Brooklyn Bagel_WHA Flavor_Baklava
Reader Amy E. is responsible for kicking off the conversation with a sweeter style spread, and given our Greek roots, makes it a perfect candidate for a We Heart Astoria flavor. For the record, I am not a sweet cream cheese girl, but I could eat this all day (between us…I did just that). Chunky pieces of nuts with a hint of honey and nutmeg. If you are fan of our local Greek influence, sweet cream cheese flavors, and baklava; this cream cheese should get your vote! #WHABaklava

Feta & Kalamata Olive

Brooklyn Bagel_WHA Flavor_Feta/Kalamata
This cream cheese contender stays true to those Greek roots, but was created for the savory lovers palate. As reader Julie C. remarked “Feta & kalamata olive cream cheese. Greek origins. Plus everybody likes feta. BOOM.” The team at Brooklyn Bagel agreed. In this cream cheese, you get nice pieces of feta that melt in your mouth with a nice kick of that briny kalmata olive taste. The best part? The olive isn’t overpowering-it’s there but shares the spotlight with the Feta. The more I eat it, the more I love it. #WHAKalamata


Brooklyn Bagel_WHA Flavor_Pub
This cream cheese came into being after a whole host of you started the idea of a beer inspired cream cheese, but it was reader Lindsay that suggested the flavor combo of cheddar cheese with an ale. Although this cream cheese is non-alcoholic it’s flavor inspiration comes from the bar culture that has really started to grow in Astoria and Queens as a whole. Cheddar Cheese pieces are woven into a horseradish and mustard base, with just a hint of cayenne pepper. When you stop in at Brooklyn Bagel on a Saturday morning, this savory flavor will help you fondly recall your pub pursuits from the night before, in a good way! #WHAPub

All of these flavors are fantastic, and we are super excited to see our name next to one of them. Be cool people and only cast your vote once (maybe twice) either on social media or with a blog comment.



About Emily Rios

Emily Rios manages special events, sponsored content and advertising clients as WHA's Business Development Director. She is a passionate and dedicated youth developer with a strong background in non-profit management, and works as Senior Manager of Youth Leadership at generationOn.



Pub! I sampled a taste at the 30th Ave store this weekend and simply enjoyed it, I would love to see this savory cheemcheese become a staple. VOTE PUB in ’14 ;)


I like cream cheese and I like beer. There is only one correct answer:



I’m casting a vote for Pub.
Sounds like a great combination of ingredients.


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