Meg Hearts This Cooler Weather in Astoria by Meg Cotner Many of my friends have heard me moan and groan online and in person about the hot/humid weather we had in August and beginning of September. It seriously harshed my (…)
Meg Hearts Boozy Lemonade by Meg Cotner I’ve always liked that phrase “make lemons out of lemonade” – to me it is a call to creativity and making the best out of a bad situation. I’m also (…)
Astoria Meg Hearts the Ast-Oreo and Astor Bake Shop by Meg Cotner Yes, you read that right – I said “Asto-Oreo.” The name is a portmanteau combining “Astoria” and “Oreo.” I ate it at Astor Bake Shop. And it was amazing. As you (…)
Astoria Mackenzi Hearts- The New Queens Kickshaw Menu! by Mackenzi Farquer Curious about the new menu at The Queens Kickshaw? We’ve got the scoop.
Astoria We Heart Simply Fit Astoria Classes by Judith Rich Simply Fit Astoria offers fun, active exercise classes including a full schedule of Zumba classes but also other genres such as salsa, piloxing, booty camp and more.
Mackenzi Hearts Astoria Ugly by Mackenzi Farquer Have you all seen this relatively new Tumblr all about the, well, less than lovely looking side of Astoria? It was love at first sight for me. Head on over (…)
Mackenzi Hearts- The Astor Room by Mackenzi Farquer It’s no shock, The Astor Room is really great. I had a chance to check it out last week over dinner with a friend, and came away with a wealth (…)
Meg Hearts Sweetleaf Cafe by Meg Cotner This morning I found myself in Long Island City in the Vernon-Jackson area, taking care of some errands. OK… one of my errands was to go to Sweetleaf. I hadn’t (…)
Mackenzi Hearts- Supernova Tattoo by Mackenzi Farquer For those with a penchant for body modification, rejoice! Astoria has an amazing tattoo shop, and you’ve probably never heard of it before. Supernova Tattoo is the brainchild of Andreana (…)
Mackenzi hearts Sunday Night Dinner by Mackenzi Farquer One of my absolute favorite things to do in Astoria is attend a Sunday Night Dinner. Cookbook author, and home cook extraordinaire Tamara Reynolds has been quietly cooking up meals for (…)
Mackenzi Hearts ‘Fatty’s Cafe’ by Mackenzi Farquer One of the reasons I hated leaving the Ditmars area for the more Astoria central 30th Avenue stop was no longer having Fatty’s Cafe just around the corner. Owner Fernando (…)
Mackenzi Hearts- Lefkos Pirgos Bakery by Mackenzi Farquer Nestled under the busy N/W elevated train, is an Astoria gem not to be overlooked. Inside the white and blue dessert palace, fake clouds float on the ceiling, chairs are (…)
Mackenzi Hearts Bare Burger by Mackenzi Farquer While Bare Burger is certainly no secret in Astoria food circles, I’d be remiss if I didn’t share my love for them here, too. As a long-time vegetarian, I’m always (…)