Astoria GIVEAWAY: Cupcake Bonanza & Basket of Basket of Biscotti From Aloria! by Mackenzi Farquer Today we’re thrilled to be giving away not one, but TWO delicious prizes from our newest WHA sponsor, Aloria Cakes based right here in Astoria’s Welling Court area. Today’s prizes (…)
Do You Want To Write for We Heart Astoria? by Mackenzi Farquer Calling all talented writers, scoop chasers, and generally motivated Astorians- WHA is hiring! We’re looking for a few good staff members to join our already awesome team. What we’re looking (…)
Astoria Katch is Turning 2 + Comic Con Party! by Mackenzi Farquer Our friends at Katch are turning 2! To celebrate they’re preparing quite the party and you’re invited: Mechanical bull for all those embarrassing Instagrams you’ve been dreaming about posting Music (…)
Hybrid Cafe and Pet Store Chateau Le Woof Open on 30th Ave by Mackenzi Farquer UPDATED with additional scoop! This just in- there’s a new coffee shop in town, and this one is for the dogs. (Well ok- and their people, too.) We just (…)
Astoria Astoria Craft Near The Park Now Open by Mackenzi Farquer This just in- Astoria Craft on 26th Road near the park is finally open! This is super great news for those of us who live near the park and are (…)
Astoria Recent Openings On Broadway- Bagels, Brunch, Ice Cream, & More! by Mackenzi Farquer A quick trip down Broadway from 31st st to Crescent will yield you so many changes these days. Here’s a brief update of what we’ve seen: The formerly kinda dumpy (…)
Astoria Let’s Katch Up- New Menu & Events at Katch Astoria! by Mackenzi Farquer You might have noticed we recently popped into Katch to see what was new and exciting- including their fully revamped menu and events galore. Highlights included the cobb salad, stuffed (…)
Astoria Get To Know SponsorMyEvent! by Mackenzi Farquer Today we’re thrilled to introduce you to SponsorMyEvent, the 360° solution for neighborhood sponsorships. Astoria is a hotbed for awesome events these days and we think SponsorMyEvent is going to change (…)
GIVEAWAY- Win 2 Tickets To This Weekend’s Katch Clam Bake! by Mackenzi Farquer Today we’re so excited to be giving away TWO TICKETS to this Sunday’s Katch Clam Bake. Enjoy lobsters, beers, steamers, and live music while hanging out with other awesome Astorians. (…)
Who Wants To Hit Up A Clam Bake This Sunday? by Mackenzi Farquer This Sunday, head down to Katch from 4pm to 9pm for a good ‘ol Kourtyard Clambake! Steamers, beers, and lobsters- oh my. Their big 1st annual clam bake taking place (…)
Astoria New Organic Juice Bar Opening on 31st Avenue by Mackenzi Farquer On my way over to Club Fitness today, I noticed this new organic juice/coffee spot that’s opening on the 2300 block of 31st Avenue. As someone who lives on that (…)
Astoria Mighty Balls Opens Tomorrow! by Mackenzi Farquer You guys- much anticipated Mighty Balls is opening tomorrow (Saturday, July 18th at 11am, to be exact) and we have the inside scoop! Get excited for some pretty awesome meatball (…)
Astoria Could Gossip Coffee on 30th Avenue Be Opening This Week? by Mackenzi Farquer ASTORIA ARRIVALS ALERT! We just heard from one of our very favorite Astoria sources that Gossip Coffee could be opening as soon as Monday, July 13th. But wait, it get’s better. (…)
Burnside Biscuits Opens Monday, July 13th at 5pm by Mackenzi Farquer It’s official kids, Burnside Biscuits opens Monday at 5pm, according to their Facebook page. For those of you who haven’t seen our non-stop coverage of this 30th Avenue newcomer, here’s (…)
Join Us For The Idlewild Launch Party @ The Bonnie by Mackenzi Farquer Save the date, friends! We’re joining forces with Idlewild Mag for an awesome party at The Bonnie. Idlewild Magazine will be launching issue no. 3 on Saturday, July 25th at (…)