Astoria, Real Estate, Restaurants
Jul 22, 2014
Plywood’s Up at the Old Teddy’s Florist and Neighboring Grocery
Earlier this year we heard about the sad state of affairs regarding Teddy’s Florist, the family-owned business pushed out by their landlord, Botsaris Morris Realty Group. We’ve naturally been curious (…)
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Earlier this year we heard about the sad state of affairs regarding Teddy’s Florist, the family-owned business pushed out by their landlord, Botsaris Morris Realty Group. We’ve naturally been curious what is going to fill the space, and it looks like a restaurant is coming—Garato Restaurant is the most recent name we read in the property’s records. The owner is Dogan Burak. Both these names (the owner’s and the restaurant’s) indicate a connection to Turkish culture so perhaps this will be a Turkish restaurant. This is just conjecture on our part, though.
But what’s interesting to us is that it looks like the empty space next door—an old grocery/deli, is also going to be part of the renovations, at least that’s what the plywood indicates, which spans the two storefronts.

We believe it only went up in the last few days.
The Teddy’s space on its own probably isn’t that big, and adding on the neighboring building could provide enough space for a decent sized restaurant.
We’ll keep an eye on it and see if we can find out any additional details.
a construction worker told me it was going to be a Five Guys. We shall see.
Any word on the space across the street? The old copy place.
Yes! Look for a post on that soon.