Astoria, Real Estate
Jul 23, 2014
7 Story Mixed Use Building Proposed for Corner of 31st Street, 28th Avenue
I’ve been watching this property for a while now, and thought it was time to talk about it. I remember the buildings that were there before, the signs plastered up (…)
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I’ve been watching this property for a while now, and thought it was time to talk about it. I remember the buildings that were there before, the signs plastered up about rat poison, the demolition signage, and the eventual removal of buildings on what is a huge corner lot made from 2 original lots. A 7 story mixed use building has been proposed for this corner (on which was a 2-story house for many years), but the people behind the project can’t seem to get their plan approved by the city. They tore down the buildings anyway—such optimists. The actual address is 31-09 28th Street (25-83 31st Street is an obsolete address as of this time).

According to city records, the building would have three elements to it—residential, commercial, and community space. There would be 14 units and 7 off-street parking spaces. JLS Designs are the architects for the project. Here’s a closeup of the drawing of the building (click to enlarge):

As you can see, this is a large property—very long because of the combination of 2 original lots.

The plot diagram also tells us that an elevator is planned (click to enlarge).

So, if these guys can get their plan(s) approved by the Plan Examiner, perhaps we’ll see some movement on it. For now, it remains an empty lot. By the way, it’s not far—just a half block or so—from the 7 story development we wrote about last week. 31st Street near Astoria Blvd is apparently the place to develop.
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