12 Days of Giveaways
Dec 22, 2011
12 Days of Giveaways, Day 10 Winner
We are happy to announce the the winner of the very caffeinated giveaway from Sweetleaf – a free drink and bag of coffee – as part of 12 Days of (…)
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We are happy to announce the the winner of the very caffeinated giveaway from Sweetleaf – a free drink and bag of coffee – as part of 12 Days of Giveaways. And the winner is…

Martha! About her “coffee awakening” she says:
At the age of 5, I always took a sip of my dad’s black coffee when he wasn’t looking. I like his coffee the best – it has to do with the fresh beans he used to buy and the way he prepared it.
Well, the quality of the beans you’ll get from Sweetleaf no doubt is nonpareil. Congratulations, Martha! Shoot us an email and we’ll hook you up with your prize.
We’ve got two giveaways still live! There’s the 3 course dinner from Ovelia paired with the 2 tix to Sweet Afton’s New Year’s Eve party, and the Malu-Cici pairing.
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