Astoria 12 Days of Giveaways 2019, Day 4: Tom’s Pet Supply by Lauren Tassone It’s day 4, and we’re showing some love for our four-legged friends (and winged and finned pals)! Tom’s Pet Supply is giving away a $50 gift card. We know you (…)
Astoria Disco Paws Is Coming to Ditmars by Meg Cotner Ditmars, get ready for Disco Paws, your place for pet fun, education,and shopping.
Hybrid Cafe and Pet Store Chateau Le Woof Open on 30th Ave by Mackenzi Farquer UPDATED with additional scoop! This just in- there’s a new coffee shop in town, and this one is for the dogs. (Well ok- and their people, too.) We just (…)