Astoria Mystery Man in Red & White plans Neighborhood Tour starting at Astoria Bookshop by WHA Guest Waldo has been welcomed back in Astoria & LIC. Find him at 25 awesome local businesses! The Astoria Bookshop welcomed Waldo on June 12th. This July, as it has for (…)
Astoria Long Island City 50+ Things To Do This Summer in Astoria & Long Island City by Mackenzi Farquer With Memorial Day over, we can’t help but think about all things summer! This year we’re bringing you our favorite things to do around town (and a few slightly outside (…)
Astoria Your Chance to Go to the Battle of the DJs by Judith Rich Your free chance to experience the 2015 inagural event for Quiet Clubbing, Battle of the DJs at the Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden
Astoria Astoria Bookshop Launches a Pop-Up at Q.E.D by Judith Rich Q.E.D creative performance space and the Astoria Bookshop have launched a new pop-up bookshop opening this weekend!
Astoria Free Coffee From XXX Coffee This Saturday at Socrates Sculpture Park by Meg Cotner Our friends at XXX Coffee shared the news that they’ll be offering free coffee on Saturday, 10/4 from 10-11 a.m. (only!!) at Socrates Sculpture Park! They are there usually during (…)
Astoria When the Cypress Whispers Book Signing at Artopolis Bakery by Meg Cotner We’ve learned about what sounds like a fun event—a book signing of When the Cypress Whispers by Yvette Manessis Corporon, taking place at Artopolis Bakery on Saturday, September 13 from 1 (…)
Astoria Whistle While you Cowork by Emily Rios We are big fans of the QNS Collective and we’re super excited to be both collaborators and supporters of the first QNS Cowork Week. Check out all of the fantastic (…)
Astoria Long Island City The Socrates Greenmarket Farmer Games are This Weekend by Meg Cotner Thanks to the folks at GrowNYC, we’ve learned about the Socrates Greenmarket Farmer Games, which sound like a good time. Get ready for lots of family-friendly fun this Saturday, September (…)
Underling Productions at Astoria Park by Emily Rios Underling Productions is proud to present a Summer Tour of Robin Hood and Love’s Labour’s Lost at Astoria Park (Near Hell’s Gate Bridge) on July 12-13. (Full schedule listed below) (…)
Astoria Free Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream at Build It Green Tomorrow! by Meg Cotner You may have heard that Ben & Jerry’s are “dishing out” (ha ha!) free ice cream around NYC during the month of July. That’s pretty awesome in and of itself, (…)
Astoria Taste Queens Courage Gin at Astoria Park Wine & Spirits July 3 by Meg Cotner We love wine tastings, and the ones done at Astoria Park Wine & Spirits usually result with me buying a bottle of what I tasted. This time around, though, they (…)
Astoria Adult Lap Swim is Back at Astoria Pool on July 7, 2014 by Meg Cotner As someone who LOVES the Adult Lap Swim program, you can imagine how excited I am to finally learn what’s up with it this year. You can even register today! Lap (…)
Astoria Long Island City The Next Instameet is in Astoria on June 21 – Walk, Shoot, Eat, and a Giveaway by Meg Cotner Do you love photography? Do you love Instagram? Then this upcoming Astoria Instawalk is for you! Join other photographers at this Instagram meetup (which begat the portmanteau, Instameet) where snaps (…)
Astoria Special Shopping Event at the Buffalo Exchange Tomorrow by Judith Rich The Buffalo Exchange will be featuring a special holiday shopping event on Saturday, December 21st from 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Special We Heart Astoria perk includes $5 off your purchases of $20 or more.
Astoria Long Island City Halloween 2013 In Astoria by Meg Cotner Halloween brings parties, festivals, parades, a walking tour and more to Astoria and Long Island City in 2013.