Astoria Astoria Fashion Designer and Photographer On Display This Wednesday at Melrose Ballroom by Lindsay Goyette One of the coolest things about living in Queens is learning about the variety of creative and talented individuals that call our neighborhood home. Astorian Sophie Kempner is the dazzling mastermind behind (…)
Astoria 2016 New Year’s Resolutions for Astorians by Lindsay Goyette New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be painful. If your goal for 2016 was to break a bad habit or cut back on something you love, like coffee or chocolate, why (…)
Astoria Make Music Winter Brings a Musical Parade to Astoria by Lindsay Goyette The streets of Astoria will come alive this afternoon with the sound of music, courtesy of Make Music Winter, a city-wide celebration of outdoor music. Much like its summer counterpart, Make (…)
Astoria Looking Back on 2015: Astoria’s Best New Arrivals by Lindsay Goyette 2015 was a BIG year for new arrivals in Astoria. From celebrity-approved gastropubs to retro coffee and doughnut shops, not a week passed without an announcement about an upcoming addition to our (…)
Astoria 12 Days of Giveaways, Day 8-Museum of the Moving Image by Emily Rios The Museum of the Moving Image, is the only Museum in the U.S. dedicated to the art, history, and technology of the moving image in all its forms. The museum (…)
Long Island City All Hail the Return of the Amigurumi! by Meg Cotner I opened my email inbox yesterday and was delighted to learn that RESOBOX is again home to the amigurumi invasion! And it’s a very cute invasion at that—amigurumi are colorful crocheted (…)
Astoria Long Island City Presents Hiding in Plain Sight – Shop at Local Gift Shops in Astoria and LIC by Meg Cotner Let’s see… you’ve got your big box stores, smaller chains, and indie shops all vying for your holiday dollar$. But have you considered the little gift shops that live in museums (…)
APAC Wants Your Astoria Stories: Call For Submissions by Meg Cotner APAC wants your stories! They’ve put out a call for submissions for Astoria Stories to celebrate their 15th season. Here’s more info: To celebrate our 15th season, APAC is proud (…)
APAC Presents “Carefully Taught” Through November 21st by Lindsay Goyette As big fans of live theatre, we’re very excited about a groundbreaking new play currently playing at APAC. From award-winning playwright Cheryl L. Davis comes Carefully Taught, an often (…)
Get Ready For the Queens Book Festival Summer 2016 by Meg Cotner Get ready for a major literary explosion in Queens! The Queens Book Festival, which the organizers plan as “the largest and most inclusive literary gathering in Queens,” is happening Summer 2016 at (…)
Astoria Queens Creatives: A Crowdfunding Roundup by Lindsay Goyette One of the best things about our neighborhood is the supportive community environment. People are proud to live here, and demonstrate that by frequenting our wide variety of fantastic small (…)
Astoria Astoria Small Business Owner Spotlight: Lexi Beach & Connie Rourke of Astoria Bookshop by Lindsay Goyette This Saturday, Astoria Bookshop and Astoria Coffee team up to present the fifth edition of their now-famous neighborhood business mash-up event: The Drunk Vocab Bee. What better time to (…)
Astoria Q.E.D. To Host Democratic Debate Watch Party–With Comedy! by Lindsay Goyette Proving they can create a can’t-miss event out of any occasion, Q.E.D. will be hosting a Democratic debate watch party on Tuesday, October 13. If you’re looking for a spot (…)
Astoria The POEMobile is Coming: A Greek Myth Comes To Life In Astoria by Lindsay Goyette Chances are, you’re a pro at enjoying Astoria’s wealth of fantastic Greek food–but how about Greek culture? If you’d like to add a little art to go with your souvlaki, we’ve got just (…)
Astorian Wins Big On Best Time Ever With Neil Patrick Harris! by Mackenzi Farquer Are you guys watching Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris? No? You should be. Last week we were thrilled to see local Astorian Steven Tarca win $5,000 in cash, (…)