Art, Arts and Culture, Astoria, Community, Living, Neighborhood
Jul 24, 2020
Astoria Interiors: A Quaranteam on 28th Ave
BY: ANNA DORE Welcome back to another edition of Astoria Interiors, a series where we go inside neighborhood homes to showcase design on the most local level. Today we head (…)
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Welcome back to another edition of Astoria Interiors, a series where we go inside neighborhood homes to showcase design on the most local level. Today we head inside bright 1BR on 28th Ave, where Jackie + Rosario have been quarantining since March. We’re loving the WFH hacks these two have dreamed up, including a cozy desk that doubles as a kitchen table. And lockdown doesn’t seem too lonely when you have a pup like Leia to keep you company!
With all of us spending more time at home, we’d love for you to submit your home for Astoria Interiors. Please fill out this questionnaire, including at least six well-lit photos and corresponding captions. All types of homes are welcome and encouraged. Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Name: Jackie
Social handle: @jackie26jack
Location: 41st Street + 28th Ave
Years lived in: 7 months
Size (# of bedrooms, bathrooms): 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom
Tell us a bit about you and your Astoria apartment:
My boyfriend and I moved in this past December. We loved the way it came together so much that we would often joke how “we never wanted to leave”… I guess we have to be careful what we wish for because now we’re quarantined together. But, through this pandemic, we’ve found comfort in this apartment. We feel like we’ve made this place home very quickly.
Describe your design aesthetic in 5 words or less:
Contemporary-boho, clean, comfortable, creative and cute.

Our bedroom. It’s quite honestly the biggest bedroom I’ve ever had. We enjoy its simplicity and light that comes in on a sunny day.

Our bedroom part II + Leia part II. This corner in our bedroom hides a bit of my High School orchestra days and my boyfriend’s love for traditional tattoo art.
What’s your favorite room and why?
Our living room is our favorite place. It gets the most sunlight throughout the day so it feels the most cheerful. It’s where we spend most of our time either relaxing together or with friends/family.

Our living room. Most of the things you see are fake plants (we can’t keep plants alive if our lives depended on it) and furniture from IKEA. Who said contemporary had to be pricey!?
Most prized piece?
Can we say our doggie? Because Leia is our favorite above all the pieces in our apartment. She is just always a bundle of love and slobbery doggie kisses. We are so glad that she seems so happy and at home here too.

Our entrance way. Showcases some of our polaroid pics / holders for our keys. Leia was more interested in what she saw outside than this photo but she still looks pretty darn cute.
What part of your home are you most proud of?
Our kitchen cork board. Originally we didn’t have any plans for keeping it but we needed something fun for the blank walls in our kitchen space. So we put it above our kitchen table, which is currently our “WFH desk”. We started adding things like notes we kept from friends and family, ticket stubs, polaroids, anything fun that was kind of random but a part of our lives. It’s a fun way to reminisce.

Our kitchen table/currently WFH desk/cork board creation. This corner is a bit of a mishmosh at the moment but we do get a lot of work done here so it’s an essential part of our apartment as of now.
Favorite local element?
Having Cold Stone near us on Steinway has been both a positive and a negative. It’s been fun reliving our childhood ice cream days but we’re trying to limit our weekly intake, it’s been tricky. #guilty.

Our kitchen. It’s pretty clean – we like keeping it that way lol. We’ve spent a lot of nights here cooking, esp during COVID quarantine. Recently we made a pizza-size chocolate peanut butter cookie, it’s still in our fridge.
Best apartment advice?
Trying to keep things tidy and clutter free is always nice but to make sure your place feels inviting to others always add some polaroid pictures and cooky nicknacks throughout your apartment!

Our bathroom. This over the toilet shelf was an impulse purchase and another one of our favorites. Makes our bathroom visits a little more fun and convenient.
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