Bars, Event, Food and Drink
Oct 03, 2017

Stu’s Ball at The Bonnie

Since Sweet Afton opened in Astoria in 2009, Tuesday has been known as “Stuesday.” If you’ve been to the bar, chances are you’ve sat with Stu at one point. He’s (…)

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Since Sweet Afton opened in Astoria in 2009, Tuesday has been known as “Stuesday.” If you’ve been to the bar, chances are you’ve sat with Stu at one point. He’s one of Astoria’s most beloved characters, always ready with a kind word or a funny story to lift your spirits. He is a fixture in Astoria’s tight-knit bar community.
Stu was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, just shy of his 40th birthday. In a few short weeks, he will be returning to his native Manchester, England for treatment at The Christie, a world-class cancer research center. While he remains optimistic about his care, he is apprehensive that treatment will be both extremely expensive and may prevent him from returning to work for over a year. He has already exhausted his savings in preliminary surgeries and testing.

Photo credit Mike Di Tota

To show Stu the love that he’s shown everyone who’s sat at his bar, shared his company or engaged in any kind of mischief with him, The Bonnie will be hosting “Stu’s Ball” on Monday, October 9 at 7 pm. The evening will feature a silent auction, raffle, special drinks and food, with all proceeds going to Stu’s care.

If you can donate to the GoFundMe campaign here, he would be grateful. If you can help spread the word about Stu’s Ball, we thank you. If you can attend and show your support on Monday, October 9th, Stu would love to raise a glass with you. If you can only send love and good thoughts, they are most welcome!
Come show your support for a member of the Astoria community!
The Bonnie (29-12 23rd Ave., Astoria)|Facebook | Instagram

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