Mar 03, 2017
Astoria Gets Involved With “A Day Without a Woman” on March 8
March 8 is International Women’s Day, and, in conjunction with Astoria March, a few of our neighborhood’s female-owned businesses are getting involved in the A Day Without a Woman initiative. (…)
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March 8 is International Women’s Day, and, in conjunction with Astoria March, a few of our neighborhood’s female-owned businesses are getting involved in the A Day Without a Woman initiative. Whether you’re into cocktails, working out, books, or clothes, there’s a way to support the cause!
Here are a few ways local business owners are showing solidarity:
–The Queens Kickshaw is getting involved in a big way. Rather than only holding one event, they’ll be dedicating the entire month of March to a series of fundraising events for various causes like ACLU Nationwide, Lambda Legal, and NoDAPL. Specifically on March 8th, they’ll be donating proceeds from a special cocktail called the “Gibson Gal” (made with donated Queens Courage gin) and from a donated keg of Big Alice beer to the organizations they’re supporting.
–The Brass Owl will be donating 50% of all proceeds on March 8th to Planned Parenthood.
–Astoria Bookshop is hosting an Open House from 6-7pm. They’ll be providing tea and coffee, a space for people to meet, mingle, and discuss ideas, and offering information on registering book clubs with them, and information on women’s organizations and female-owned businesses in the area.
–Simply Fit Astoria will be tailoring their classes to include special workouts that focus on female empowerment.
–The Stonework will be donating 50% of their Wednesday sales to Planned Parenthood.
People who are interested in showing solidarity for the cause are encouraged to wear red on Wednesday. (Bonus points if you wear your best red outfit at one of these fabulous businesses!)
Will you be supporting #ADayWithoutAWoman? If so, how? Tell us on Facebook and in the comments!
the tag for international womens day 2017 is #beboldforchange.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful or a smart@$$, but if it’s called #adaywithoutawoman should all the women driven businesses be closed on that day to emphasize how important they roles are in the local economy? I thought that was the idea behind #adaywithoutanimmigrant and such…..