Art, Astoria, Featured
Oct 07, 2014
Astoria Art Festival 2014 Event List and Map
The Astoria Art Festival is almost here! It kicks off on Friday October 10 with ten days worth of events. Curious to know more? Let’s go! Friday October 10, 9 p.m. (…)
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The Astoria Art Festival is almost here! It kicks off on Friday October 10 with ten days worth of events. Curious to know more? Let’s go!
Friday October 10, 9 p.m.
Kickoff Party at Front Toward Enemy. Live music from The Dialtones starts at 10:15 p.m. Art work by Mario Savinon, Jardley Jean-Louis, Kaiser Kamal, Sean Hopkins and Sandra Vucicevic. 40-11 30th Avenue
Friday October 10, Midnight
Launch of Idlewild Magazine at Mar’s. Idelwild is a print Queens Culture Magazine. DJ and happy hour cocktails. Artwork by Dennis Borowsky. 34-21 34th Avenue
Saturday, October 11, 2 p.m.
Music, Vendors, and Artists at Singlecut Brewery. Almost 20 vendors and music by Ro Fino, Sean Wiggins, Side Saddle, Linda Draper, Lauren Hunt, Could Be Worse, Meghann Wright and the Wrongs, Beechers Fault, The Bone Chimes, Kayla and The Band, The Green Gallows. Artwork by Louis Gasparro. 19-33 37th Street
Sunday, October 12, 1 to 6 p.m.
Body Language Tattoo Group Art Show. Artwork, entertainment, and wine. 32-02 34th Avenue
Wednesday, October 15, 7 p.m.
Event at Queens Comfort. Showcases Brendan Carroll with donuts and a DJ. 40-09 30th Avenue
Friday, October 17, 9 p.m. and 10 p.m.
Live Music at Astoria Beer & Brew and DJs at Bowery Bay, 9 p.m. and 10 p.m., respectively. Art by Pablo Tauler, Veronica Soto, Allison Ruiz, Nicole Palapoli, Lucia Phipps and Joe Kavitski. 21-76 21st Street and 19-33 Ditmars Blvd (both venues are located on the corner of Ditmars and 21st Street)
Saturday, October 18, 3 p.m.
Art Walk, starts at Lockwood with stops at Queens Kickshaw, Pachanga, Sweet Afton, and William Hallett. $10. 32-15 33rd Street
Saturday, October 18, 9 p.m.
Closing Party at Old Prague. Live music from the Concentrics and Mess Arounds, Experimental portraits taken by Frank Siringo and group photo show featuring Marianne DeMarco, Ashley Mendolia, Maryann Benedetto, Carrie Crow, Maggie Perrier and Amiee Andrews 28-48 31st Street
Sunday, October 19th, 7 p.m.
Event at Fatty’s. Featuring the work of Jonathan Lindsey and the music of Zig Payton and Roseann Fino. 45-17 28th Avenue

Also: head to Mar’s TONIGHT for a “pre opening” event at 6:30 p.m. to preview Dennis Borowsky’s art. Enjoy happy hour and tasty $1 oysters from 5 to 8 p.m. Be sure to get your paper copy of the Astoria Art Festival map (digital version below, pdf here) there tonight, too! 34-21 34th Avenue

[…] 3rd Annual Astoria Arts Festival kicks off this Friday, October 10th and lasts 10 whole days. We Heart Astoria published a very helpful guide on the events to expect in the coming days, which are spread out […]