Astoria, Beer and Wine, Weekend
Nov 28, 2012
SingleCut Beersmiths Opens Soon!
SingleCut Beersmiths will be opening on December 8th. They’re rolling out with 5 carefully chosen beers!
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After months and months of watching their every move and getting so very excited about their launch, SingleCut Beersmiths is at last opening their doors, now officially, on Saturday, December 8th. Just over a week away, Astoria’s own brewery will feature an extensive tap room, which will debut with 5 distinct brewskis. Whether you’re a hard core beer convert or still on your way, SingleCut’s carefully laid out menu of beers will likely appeal to different palates and it’ll be a place where you can not only taste delicious local beers, but also learn about beer making from their knowledgeable experts.
19-33 Lagrrr – “Considering not only that we’re the first new brewery in Queens since Prohibition, but that our address also signifies the year Prohibition ended, what else could we call our flagship Lagrrr!”
“Bob” Sunburst Finish Lagrrr – “Behold the LAGRRR! Crisp and clean, while maintaining a malt aroma and complexity that has typical lagers sweating in panic.”
“Dean” Pacific NW Mahogany Ale – “1. Let’s grow a big bushy beard. 2. Let’s get piercings. 3. Sleeves 4. Drink an ale with PNW malt and hop ‘tude. 5. Color hair mahogany.”
“Billy” 18-Watt India Pale Ale – “Hopheads rejoice! Want more than just one highly-hopped pint, but don’t want the high AVB? Behold! A sessionable IPA with all the lupulin crunch you demand.”
“Billy” Half-Stack India Pale Ale – “Crank the hops right before taste buds bleed with an original, hard to source blend. At 88 IBU’s, “Half-Stack” is a relative term – as we like to say “If it’s too hoppy, you’re too old!”
The tap room will be open on: Thursday/Friday from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 12:00 – 6:00 p.m.
SingleCut Beersmiths – 19-33 37th Street, Astoria. 718.606.0788
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