The Food Funny is a show where host Adrienne E. Cooper combines her passions for food and comedy singular show, where chefs try comedy for the first time, under the guidance of their comic mentors who go on to compete in a live 10-minute mystery ingredient cooking challenge for the chance to close out the show with a set of their own. Featuring Chefs-turned-Comics Paulette Goto and Jackie Mazza and Comics-turned-Chefs Timothy Dunn and Tahlia Robinson. March is a lot of things, including Women’s History Month and hopefully not the end of the world as we know it. Is that why the March Food Funny show is mostly female? No, but if you got it—flaunt it! We’ll watch as the two chefs, who’ve strutted their food stuff on screen, test their comedy skills in front of a live audience, before we let the two seasoned comics ruin a perfectly good hot plate with a mystery list of ingredients and only 10 minutes to have at it.