We are an established group that is looking for some new members. We welcome all varieties of crafters, including knitters and crocheters. Join us every other week to practice your craft, eat some yummy food, and/or generally socialize. NOTE: Beginners are welcome, but it is recommended that you know the basics before attending (for knitting: casting on, knit, and purl; and for crocheting: chaining and single crochet). For a list of learning resources, please see the end of the meeting description.
For more info, you can follow us on Ravelry at ravelry.com/groups/stitchin-queens, or “like” our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/stitchin.queens. To be added to the mailing list, email danielleb726@gmail.com. Meeting starts at 6:30 and usually lasts until 8:30/9:00.
If you do plan to attend, please RSVP at danielleb726@gmail.com, so I can alert you if there are any last minute changes.
Hope to see you there!
Learning to Knit and Crochet Resources:
Classes in both beginning knitting and/or crochet are taught often at:
Lion Brand (15th Street in Manhattan): http://www.lionbrandyarnstudio.com/index.php/classes-workshops/
La Casita Yarn Shop (Brooklyn) http://www.lacasitayarnshop.com/class.shtml
Optimistic Crafts (Astoria): http://optimisticcrafts.blogspot.com/p/shop.html
JCC Manhattan (UWS): http://www.jccmanhattan.org/programs/?area=AI_AS_CA
Downtown Yarns (LES): http://www.downtownyarns.com/class.htm
There are a lot of good videos on the internet too, such as: