Dir. Steve Martino. 2015, 92 mins. DCP. Presented in Dolby Digital 3-D. Charlie Brown, the world’s most beloved underdog, embarks upon an epic and heroic quest, while his best pal, the lovable beagle Snoopy, takes to the skies to pursue his arch-nemesis, the Red Baron. From the imagination of Charles M. Schulz and the creators of the Ice Age films, The Peanuts Movie will prove that every underdog has his day. Recommended for ages 7+.
Tickets: $12 ($9 for senior citizens and students / $6 children 3–12 / free for members at the Film Lover and MoMI Kids Premium levels and above). Daily screenings at 12:30 p.m.
Followed by the Mixed-Up Comics workshop at 2:30 p.m. (recommended for ages 5–10; limited space & separate tickets required.)