Jackknife Comedy is a rad monthly stand up show hosted by two dummies from Iowa, Gideon Hambright and Patrick Hastie! Each month they pick a bunch of their favorite comedians to come do sets, drink and have a blast! This months comics are: David Agyekum (COMEDY CENTRAL’S COMICS TO WATCH), Will Watkins (FUNNY OR DIE’S ODDBALL COMEDY FESTIVAL), Alli Brown (UCB), Davidson Boswell (LOOKING GLASS COMEDY), Charles Gould (COMEDY CENTRAL’S COMICS TO WATCH), Rae Sanni (NEW YORK MAGAZINE), Blair Socci (MTV’S LADYLIKE). Come party with us!
Tickets are only $5. You can buy them at the door or online at http://creeklic.com/events/jackknife-comedy-5-2017-03-04/