Take Root Presents Bobby Morgan & Artists and Falcon Dance
October 13 & 14, 2017
Advance sale tickets: $15 online at www.GreenSpaceStudio.org
Tickets purchased at door: $20 cash, $22 credit card
Bobby Morgan & Artists’ Glitch, with a matrix inspired theme, follows the idea of humans operating on a computer run simulation, unplugging from a society that they were born into and freeing themselves into who they truly are. This piece of work also explores topics along the lines of race relations and exploring the human psyche. The work is meant to take the viewer through an experience, but also to have them reflect on the world we are living in.
Falcon Dance’s new work explores the play between one’s conscious and subconscious mind, and the instinctual nature of humans and animals alike. Most specifically, we are looking at the movement and migration patterns of birds and how they echo human behavior. Using the concept of a bird aviary, we have begun looking at the psychology of human social interactions.
Tickets are available at the door or online at http://www.greenspacestudio.org/TakeRoot.html
Take Root is a monthly curated series that supports dance makers by providing an opportunity to show a half evening work paired with another artist.
Photo credits: Scott Shaw and Bobby Morgan