Jackknife Comedy is a rad monthly stand up show the first Saturday of every month at The Creek and The Cave in Queens, hosted by two dummies from Iowa named Gideon Hambright and Patrick Hastie! Each show they pick a bunch of their favorite comedians to come do sets, be cool and have a blast! This months comics are: Martin Urbano (JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE), Farah Brook (MTV’S GIRL CODE), Ian Fidance (AXS’ GOTHAM COMEDY LIVE), Sachi Ezura (BET’S THE RUNDOWN), Bronwyn Isaac (HELLO GIGGLES), Petey DeAbreu (PETEY’S WORLD), Joseph Roberts (HIGH SCORES PODCAST). This month’s show features special guest hosts Scotland Green and Ariel Elias, so come out and party!
Tickets are only $5. You can buy them at the door or online at http://creeklic.com/events/jackknife-comedy-5-2017-10-07/