The Secret Theatre is hosting a Spring Break week-long camp in 2016!
During the week, students will work towards presenting a fully-written play created by Richard Mazda (playwright of Pirate Pete’s Parrot and Princess Particular); the final product will be performed on the 5th day. Each student will have lines and all students will participate in songs and other play-making activities, such as costuming and prop-making.
To get the full benefit, students should attend all 5 days; however, days 1 & 2 are suitable for one-day attendance (but PLEASE NOTE: only students signed up for Wed – Fri can participate in the show). Parents are invited to see these showcase presentations on Friday afternoon at 4pm.
Each day lasts from 9-5pm
Early drop-off: starting at 8am
Late pick-up: flexible, but preferred by 6pm
April 25th-29th
CONTACT Tara Mary Schmitt 718 392 0722
For one-day damps, visit this link: