Astoria, Movies
Oct 06, 2016
Gene Wilder Tribute Coming to MOMI
Head to MOMI for the Gene Wilder Tribute!
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When Gene Wilder died this past summer, most everyone I know was pretty bummed out about it. Quotes from Young Frankenstein carpeted social media. And this past weekend, Kate McKinnon, portraying Hillary Clinton on SNL entered the sketch and did that same tumble Gene Wilder’s character does in Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory. People don’t want to forget him.
So imagine my delight to see, when I opened up my latest email from MOMI, that they are doing a Gene Wilder Tribute! Three films will be screened—Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, and Willy Wonka and Chocolate Factory. The series is on five days between October 9 and November 27. Here’s the full schedule; all screenings take place in the Redstone Theater.
Blazing Saddles
Sunday, October 9, 5:00pm
Young Frankenstein
Monday, October 10, 3:30pm
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Part of Gene Wilder Tribute & Willy Wonka & Workshops
Friday, November 25, 12:30pm, Saturday, November 26, 12:30pm, Sunday, November 27, 12:30pm
This is during Thanksgiving weekend, and at that time MOMI is running a family-friendly workshop on Saturday, Sweets on Screen.
We believe that tickets could easily sell out for these shows, so it’s wise to make your plans early.
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