Astoria, Astoria Arrivals, Pizza, Restaurants
Mar 03, 2015
Astoria Arrivals – Artichoke Basille Opens Today!
Today marks the opening of Artichoke Basille Pizza in Astoria!
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First slice for good luck @artichokepizza A photo posted by Jus Jack (@djjusjack) on
Artichoke Basille Pizza – 22-56 31st Street, Astoria. 718.215.8100
My bad. I blame Google map for not updating street pics.
Pretty stoked that this is open so late. Sometimes I just need a quick slice on the way home from The Bonnie. This is an actual thought that went through my head.
Isn’t Frankie’s pizza just next door??
Sadly, Frankie’s closed after 50 years in business.
Frankie’s closed a few months back, Artichoke took over the space.
[…] Basille is officially opening tomorrow at 22-56 31st Street, between 23rd and Ditmars avenues. We Heart Astoria reported that a soft opening was held yesterday before the big […]