Astoria, Children, Halloween
Oct 06, 2014
The Hell Gate Horror Is Back!
While walking home from my early morning swim, I spotted a sign that I had been looking for over the past couple weeks—the flyer announcing the Hell Gate Horror!! Indeed, (…)
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While walking home from my early morning swim, I spotted a sign that I had been looking for over the past couple weeks—the flyer announcing the Hell Gate Horror!! Indeed, it’s back again this year, Saturday, October 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Hell Gate Horror is a pretty excellent haunted walk through the large backyard of a neighbor in the Ditmars area. It is full of moaning ghosts, ghouls of all sorts, scary spectres, and spooky music. I walked through it last year and was totally delighted—I wasn’t scared, though I was startled at one point (disclaimer—I am scared easily). This is DEFINITELY for kids and doesn’t have the “pee your pants fright” that is aimed at adults at other haunted walks/houses in NYC.
So, if you have a little one who likes scary things, for sure consider bringing them (though use discretion for your very young children). And even if they only like scary things a little, they will likely enjoy the walk holding your hand. In fact, I heard a number of parents last year exclaim “My kids liked it so much we did it three times!” They even hand you a piece of candy at the end.
The folks that run the Hell Gate Horror do an awesome, awesome job and this is their sixth year putting on the show; they put a lot of thought and consideration into making the walk fun. It’s a wonderful family Halloween-season activity. Highly recommended!
Is Astoria Pool still open for swimming or do you go elsewhere?
I’m wondering because I think we’ll actually be in town this year for the first time to go to Hell Gate Horror, does the line to get in get crazy long? Should we get there early?
Astoria Pool closes each year the day after Labor Day, so yes, it’s closed. Anyone who wants to swim has to go elsewhere.
Hell Gate Horror sometimes has a line, but it goes fast. It’s really popular among families in Astoria. They do an amazing job with it!
The Elia family does an amazing job every year! You wont be disappointed.
Check it out