Astoria, Politics
Oct 29, 2014
Reminder: The Next Election Is Tuesday, November 4
Many of you probably have this on your calendar, but in case you don’t, we want to remind you that the next big election is next Tuesday, November 4. Personally, (…)
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Many of you probably have this on your calendar, but in case you don’t, we want to remind you that the next big election is next Tuesday, November 4. Personally, I think Election Day should be a federal holiday and those businesses that abide by such holidays should give their employees the day off to participate in the civic process. Thankfully some employers give 1-2 hours off to vote; at least it’s something.
It’s important to vote next Tuesday! You’ll have a chance to cast your ballot for the following:
- Governor/Lt. Governor
- Attorney General
- Comptroller
- Ballot Proposals
- US House of Representatives
- State Senate
- State Assembly
We’re not here to tell you who to vote for, but we are here to tell you that voting is important and a privilege for US citizens. WNYC and Gotham Gazette have again updated their very easy to understand Election Guide filled with information to help make it as easy as possible to know who/what your voting for.
As for the ballot proposals, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer’s office put together this handy-dandy, one page guide to the ballot proposals. Sure, it’s not the Queens Borough President who did it (we would have loved it if she did), but it’s very clear and well designed, and worth including here—check it out:
And if you’re not sure where you vote or need a reminder about that, head to this great Poll Site Locator—enter your address and it will tell you where to vote. And the Election Guide above also has this functionality.
See you at the polls!
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