Astoria, Music
Jul 24, 2014
Italian Nights 2014 in Astoria
We apologize for being a little late on this, but we still wanted to let you know about these Italian Nights presented by the Federation of Italian American Organizations of (…)
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We apologize for being a little late on this, but we still wanted to let you know about these Italian Nights presented by the Federation of Italian American Organizations of Queens. The festivities are on Wednesday nights from 7 to 9:30 p.m., and while we missed Andrea & Friends ad Tony Pasquareiello, there’s a lot more old time Italian fun to be had. Here’s the schedule for the rest of the summer (copy by the Federation):
July 30
Filippo & Friends—the lead singer from Armonia will entertain you with old Italian-American favorites for dancing and singing along. Presented by San Antonio Abate di Castrofilippo. Location: St. Joseph Church (43-19 30th Ave).
August 6
The Innoculated Canaries Band, Youth Night – Rock Music, and Bruno Macari—singing popular Italian Songs of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Presented by Circolo Conversano. Location: Athens Square Park (30th Ave and 30th Street).
August 13
Simona DeRosa & Guitar Player—a night of Old Italian favorites jazzed up. Presented by Italian-American Women Center. Location: Athens Square Park (30th Ave and 30th Street).
August 20
Tino “Live Entertainment”—singing old Italian favorites from the 60s, 70s, & 80s. Presented by Palo Del Colle. Location: Athens Square Park (30th Ave and 30th Street).
August 27
Extasy’s–Marty Hroncich—songs and music of the Istria Region. Passionate singers and entertainers with a dedicated following. Presented by Istria Sport Club. Location: Athens Square Park (30th Ave and 30th Street).
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