Astoria, Boutiques, Shopping
Feb 12, 2014
luludi living frames: Terrarium Workshop Review
As winter continues to roll in with beyond freezing temperatures, it is easy to hibernate with Netflix, a blanket, and Thai dinner delivery. If you are looking for an activity (…)
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As winter continues to roll in with beyond freezing temperatures, it is easy to hibernate with Netflix, a blanket, and Thai dinner delivery. If you are looking for an activity to help you get through the winter, or need something new to do with your significant other, bestie, or even just a night out on your own, a terrarium workshop at luludi living frames is a perfect fit. When you arrive at luludi for class, you will pass through the storefront; a bright and fresh room with terrariums of all sizes, shapes and colors. Being surrounded by green and fresh earthy scents is a great reminder that winter will eventually dissolve into spring. Classes are conducted in the back work-room, that’s where all the magic will happen.
The most critical question you will have to answer when you attend a terrarium workshop class, is are you having white or red wine? After you have your vino in hand, you are given a brief orientation about the different materials at your disposal; reindeer moss (in all different colors), colored sand, succulents, air plants, mini ornaments, cacti, stones and more. The instructors at luludi provide the perfect amount of instruction with respect to your personal creativity and design. Once your orientation concludes, it’s time to get going! Start with selecting your container, determine the design, and the types of materials to use; it’s all up to you. If you are stuck or need to talk through an idea, the instructors are there to help.
Check out my finished terrarium below! I remain impressed with my creation AND it is still alive and well on my kitchen windowsill. (nice right?)
Classes are $45. Includes all materials as well as a gift box for your finished creation. (luludi living frames, 23-07 24th Ave, Astoria)
This is awesome. I don’t have much of a green thumb so this looks pretty simple to do!