Astoria, Dessert
Feb 10, 2014

Girl Scout Cookies are Here

As a former employee of Girl Scouts, I consider myself something of a Girl Scout cookie expert. Did you know that your zip code determines if you have Samoas or (…)

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As a former employee of Girl Scouts, I consider myself something of a Girl Scout cookie expert. Did you know that your zip code determines if you have Samoas or Caramel Delights? Local Girl Scout councils utilize one of two bakeries, both bakeries make the infamous Thin Mints, a Shortbread, a chocolate/coconut/caramel variety, and peanut butter patties/sandwiches. After those are set, each bakery can make their own flavors and types. This is why your friend in Chicago might be raving about a cookie you’ve never even heard of.

Girl Scout Cookie Season Sale_Image
Did you know that even though the Girl Scout cookie sale only lasts for a couple of months, Thin Mints are the #1 selling cookie in America, even beating year round sales of Oreos. Finally did you know that Girl Scout cookie sales directly support girls leadership and programs? Girls engage in developing five essential skills such as money management and budgeting, and last but certainly not least, girls determine what their cookies can do for their troop and community.

Girl Scouts_What can a cookie do_
I know you are thinking, that’s all fine and dandy but get to the goods, where can I get these amazing treats?

Download the Cookie Finder
Make your smartphone really work for you, download the new and improved cookie finder mobile app.  Simple intuitive interface makes finding cookies a snap, just install and press “Find Cookies Now!”

Contact your local Girl Scout Council
In the United States there are 112 local Girl Scout councils. Serving Astoria, Queens and our neighboring borough’s is Girl Scouts of Greater New York. Feel free to reach out to them to discuss all things Girl Scouts, cookies, volunteering, anything!

Enter to Win a Year of Girl Scout Cookies
Enter the Girl Scout Cookie Championship giveaway from February 5 to February 28. Join the fun for a chance to win a year’s supply of your favorite Girl Scout cookie. Enter to win!

Girl Scout Cookie Championship

Operation Cookie
It’s a cruel irony that as you are working in that healthy lifestyle in January, here come the Girl Scouts talking about buying cookies to help them get to summer camp. What can you do? Buy a box (or 2) and donate them to Operation Cookie. Operation Cookie is a project that allows cookie buyers to purchase cookies to share with service personnel, local veteran’s facilities, and other organizations. You can donate them as soon as you buy them. Last year, Girl Scouts in the NYC area donated 58,000 boxes to the USO of Metropolitan New York. So you can feel guilt free about buying those boxes.

Operation Cookie Drop_Military with Cookies

Tell us what your favorite Girl Scout cookie is. Any cookie tips or recipes you want to share? (Thin Mints+Freezer=delicious) Any former Girl Scouts want to share their favorite memory? Happy Girl Scout cookie season everyone!

About Emily Rios

Emily Rios manages special events, sponsored content and advertising clients as WHA's Business Development Director. She is a passionate and dedicated youth developer with a strong background in non-profit management, and works as Senior Manager of Youth Leadership at generationOn.

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