Happy Monday! It’s wine time.
Astoria Park Wine & Spirits serve Astorians who like good wine at good prices. With more than 400 labels they will help you find the perfect bottle for any occasion. Today’s giveaway prize is a fabulous gift basket featuring three holiday favorites; the sustainably farmed Delaille “Unique” Sauvignon Blanc, Red Hills Lake County ’09 made by renowned winemaker Peter Franus, and finally a Roederer Estate sparkling wine. To complete the package Astoria Park Wine & Spirits is also gifting a Vino Vac wine preserver and Corkcicle. This gift is valued at $115 dollars!
How to Enter: Like Astoria Park Wine & Spirits on Facebook or follow them on Twitter, and leave us a comment telling us you’ve done so. We will announce one random winner on Wednesday, December 18th at Noon so enter to win before that time! Good luck!
Emily Rios manages special events, sponsored content and advertising clients as WHA's Business Development Director. She is a passionate and dedicated youth developer with a strong background in non-profit management, and works as Senior Manager of Youth Leadership at generationOn.
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Following them on twitter, feeling lucky this time.
Following on Twitter! Hoping to be lucky so it will be happy holidays to me!
Yay, wine! Liked on Facebook. :)
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Best wine shop in Astoria! I liked them on FB! Fingers crossed for some nice holiday goodies :)
Liked on Facebook! Best giveaway so far :)
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I followed them on Twitter. I could use some good wines and some good vibes.
LOVED on Facebook! Pick me, pick me!
I love Astoria Park WIne and Spirits. They are always so welcoming and friendly. Liked them on Facebook!
I just liked them on Facebook! Can’t wait to see if I won. Happy holidays, WHA!!
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Liked! That would be PERFECT for a night in!
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I love astoria wine and spirits – have followed them :)