Community, Parks
Sep 20, 2010
Shoreline Cleanup at Astoria Park This Sunday
For the past 6 years in the month of September, there’s been a community shoreline cleanup along the shore in Astoria Park. Often it has coincided with the day of (…)
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For the past 6 years in the month of September, there’s been a community shoreline cleanup along the shore in Astoria Park. Often it has coincided with the day of the International Coastal Cleanup sponsored by the American Littoral Society, but this year the Astoria Park shoreline cleanup is one day after that. That being said, this event is still happening in conjunction with ALS International Coastal Cleanup Day, as well as with Green Shores NYC, Astoria Park Alliance, Partnerships for Parks, Forest Hills High School and many others.
The Astoria Park event is always a great time, and you are doing something truly awesome for the shoreline, our rivers, and our oceans, not to mention the surrounding community. The shoreline always looks pretty gross at the beginning, then amazing and clean by the end of the event.
One of the things that we’ve found in abundance during these cleanups is plastic containers – water bottles are particularly prevalent, not to mention plastic bags. That stuff floats out to sea and is often ingested by birds, fish, sea turtles, and other marine animals, and it can eventually kill them. To take stuff off the shore, so close to the water – to remove it from the possibility of being eaten by a creature who really doesn’t know better – is a noble act and has far reaching positive consequences. So please come out to to Astoria Park and help this Sunday!
To participate, meet on Shore Blvd just North of the War Memorial. The cleanup goes from 9am to noon on Sunday. Be sure to wear weather-appropriate clothing and no open toed shoes (I can’t emphasize this enough). Tennis shoes or hiking shoes are great footwear options. Clothes you don’t mind getting a little dirty are great, too. Gloves and bags will be provided.
I’ve participated in these cleanups and have often taken pictures – here are some photos of past shoreline cleanups:
2008 Shoreline Cleanup at Astoria Park.
2007 Shoreline Cleanup at Astoria Park.
Hope to see you there!
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